21LC600 Flat-Top Crane

  • Umfang: 262.5 ft
  • Spitzenlast: 9,920 lb or 9,040 lb depending on the version + 10% with PowerLift
  • Maximale Last: 44,900 lb or 55,120 lb, depending on the version

The 21LC600 flat-top tower crane model offers two options: 44,900 and 55,120 lb maximum load, which can be assembled with ranges of between 98.4 and 262.5 ft with configurations every 16.4 ft, allowing a maximum point load of up to 10,910 lb.

The 21LC600 tower crane incorporates an optional boom configuration that allows the total range to be extended to 278.9 ft at the tip. Compared with the 21LC550 model, load capacities are on average 16% higher.

One of the features in the 21LC600 flat-top tower crane is that it has a shorter, modular counter-jib, ranging from 80 to 53.8 ft and having up to 5 possible configurations. This concept has a precedent in models 21LC750 / 21LC1050 / 21LC1400 and offers greater adaptation to the work configuration in reduced spaces.

Another of the strong points of the 21LC600 crane is the improved access to the turntable and the rotating part: the cathead has been redesigned to facilitate the passage of lifting cables, including a welded ladder that allows access to the highest part without the need for the cab platform. Access to the cab platform is now direct via the turntable thanks to the folding ladder, preventing falls while working on the upper level and also being easier to transport. 

As a standard feature, the 21LC600 model offers the double trolley system with automatic changeover (called DT in the data sheets), and incorporates, as a novelty, the optional availability of single trolley (ST) which simplifies maintenance work while increasing load capacity in short boom lengths.

The height, which is self-supporting with a built-in base, can reach up to 279.5 ft. Also, the tower sections are 8.2 square feet.

Moreover, a new climbing cage is presented: J3A-11, which follows the concept of the J3-20, with greater length and distance between rollers, a saving in scale recovery time, thanks to the auxiliary hoist included, which can also be transported in standard containers or trucks.

With regard to the lift engines, the standard for the 44,900 lb version is 50 kW, while for the 55,120 lb version it is 65 kW. The 110-kW engine is optional for both versions, with a speed of up to 290 m/min and maximum capacities of 5150.9 ft of cable. 

The 21LC600 flat-top tower crane comes as standard with the CUBE cab in its L version, with the XL available as an option.

Technische Merkmale

  Maximum load Reach Jib-end load Technical
data sheet
Normal PowerLift
21LC600-DT 20t 44,900 lb 262.5 ft 9,920 lb 10,910 lb
21LC600-DT 25t 55,120 lb 262.5 ft 9,040 lb 9,940 lb
21LC600-ST 25t 55,120 lb 262.5 ft 7,720 lb 8,490 lb


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